Rotary Meeting from October 20, 2014
Rotary Minute: David T read a letter from RI President, Gary Huang, congratulating each and every member for their commitment since 1985 to eradicate polio.
Jason C: We desperately need more items for the TV Auction!  The deadline to enter items is the end of October.
Cam: Read a letter from last year’s graduation award winner from Jean Vanier HS thanking us for our support
  1. Nov 10 meeting will be a fireside.  Main topics to be discussed include Membership and Leave of Absences.  David will circulate an agenda prior to the meeting.
  2. World Polio Day is this Friday.  Our club will participate in two events: promotion of the event at the Richmond Hill GO Train station from 6:30-7:30am; 2nd event is a flag raising with PDG Ted K. at Markham Civic Center at 10am.  Please let David know if you can participate in either event.
  3. District Conference is this weekend at the Weston Prince Hotel.  You can book the event and pay only for what you want (a la carte…).  Details at
  4. Everyone try to attend a satellite meeting in the next few months.  Meeting at Samir’s house on Tuesday evenings.  Just let Samir know in advance.
  5. Costa has moved to Mississauga, and has thus been forced to resign.
  6. Maryse has requested a leave of absence for family reasons.  She hopes to return in the new year.
  7. Norma is still suffering health issues related to her car accident.  She hopes to return soon.
Paul T: Christmas Party this year is December 15 at Oakview Terrace on Leslie.  $50/person for members and guests.
Speaker: Carol Thompson from Treasures Charity Thrift Store.
Treasures is a registered charity, and charity thrift store that provides social and vocational opportunities for people with mental health issues.  In addition they provide volunteering opportunities for high school students looking for volunteer hours.  Furthermore, they help the economy by diverting waste from land fill sites.  The store is located in Levendale Road at the No Frills plaza.  There are four ways that we can help them:
  1. Shop at the store
  2. Donate items that we no longer need, but still have value
  3. Volunteer to work in the store
  4. Talk about (that is promote) their store to our friends/neighbours