Camp Enterprise 2017
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill had another successful “Camp Enterprise” experience for many Grade 11 and 12 students from our local High schools at Cedar Glen Conference Centre this past weekend. Rotarian volunteers were present to help out as the young people broke up into teams of seven or eight to undertake “The Negotiation Challenge 2017”.
In this exercise the teams represented either the Union side of the negotiation or the Company position in arriving at an acceptable solution on all outstanding issues – such as Wages, Length of the contract, Vacations, Layoffs, Dental plans and Retroactivity.
As advisors to each team, the Rotarians provided guidance to the student negotiators and helped to keep them on track and on time respecting the timetable.
At the end of the negotiations the teams came together to provide their solutions so that each contract could be tabled and shown on video. Each elected spokesperson was given time to explain their “new” contract terms.
Truly, this was an admirable learning experience for our High Schoolers as they approach the end of their first level of learning and decide on their future move to their careers. And a most worthwhile choice of volunteer time for those Rotarians present.
This story was also published by the Richmond Hill Liberal newspaper:
article by Shelagh Harris

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